
Women’s nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and achieving overall well-being. To make it simpler, we have devised an easy-to-follow portion guide for various food types, allowing women to have a balanced and satisfying diet.

The guide uses hand measurements to estimate portions, making it convenient and straightforward. It covers a variety of food types, such as proteins (e.g., poultry, beef, fish, and pork), carbohydrates (e.g., rice, beans, and pasta), healthy fats (e.g., salad dressings, avocado, and oils), and fruits and vegetables.

It is essential to include protein in every major meal, as it can help you feel full, leading to fewer white carbs consumption. Remember that a balanced approach to nutrition is key, so aim for 80/85% healthy choices and 10/15% fun indulgences.

Food Type Female Portion Measurement Example
Poultry, Beef, Fish, Pork (prefer white meat) 1 Palm-size 3 to 4 oz
Rice, Beans, Cooked Veggies, Oatmeal, Potatoes, Pasta, Pudding, Ice Cream 1 Cupped-hand-size 1/2 cup
Salad dressing, Peanut butter, Avocado, Hard cheeses, Cream cheese, Sour Cream 1 Thumb-size 1 Tbsp
Fruits, Vegetables, Cereal, Casseroles, Soups, Salads, Beverages 1 Fist-size 1 cup
Oils (olive, canola, flaxseed, avocado, walnut, grapeseed, sesame), Butters, Nut butters & Mayo 1 Index finger tip 1 tsp


  • For active men and women who eat four times per day.
  • If a male follows this guide, they should double the portions.
  • Kids should use the size of their hands for portion sizes.
  • Men should consume double the portions in the example above.

Belly Fat Plateau Breaker: For 1 to 2 weeks, cut out gluten and/or dairy, as they can cause inflammation. This temporary cut can help burn extra flab, decrease belly jiggle, and curb cravings for white carbs (baked/processed foods). Consult your physician before completely cutting out a food group.

If you’re just getting used to eating multiple meals consistently, try nibbling. Over time, your body will signal when it’s hungry.

Include protein in every major meal. Too many white carbs cause belly fat, so eating protein can help you feel full and eat fewer white carbs. Don’t ignore cravings; eat responsibly.

Success is 80/85% healthy and 10/15% fun.

Myths vs. Facts: What You Need to Know About Fitness and Nutrition

When it comes to fitness and nutrition, misinformation can lead to ineffective or even harmful choices. In this blog post, we’ll debunk 7 common fitness myths and 10 nutrition myths to help you make more informed decisions for your health.


Longer hours of workout equal better results

Quality over quantity is more important. High-intensity workouts in shorter periods can achieve the same results as spending hours at the gym.

Weight lifting makes you bulky

Weight lifting is a great way to sculpt your body and contributes to strength and a more defined appearance.

You can target a specific area of your body for fat loss

You cannot target just one area; fat loss must occur through a proper workout that engages the entire body and a nutrition plan that reduces overall fat levels.

Warming up prevents pain

Warming up reduces the chance of developing body aches, but it does not guarantee you will feel no pain after your workout.

Fitness challenges are healthy

Fitness challenges can provide quick results, but their accuracy and value are questionable. Drastic diets and workouts can be harmful and damage one’s health.

Working out can work in isolation

Nutrition plans and exercise go hand in hand; just working out without adjusting your nutrition and eating habits will not give maximum benefits.

Yoga doesn’t help with fitness

Yoga exercises can help align your body and muscles, contributing to overall fitness.


Fresh fruits and vegetables are always healthier than canned, frozen, or dried varieties

Research shows that canned, frozen, and dried fruits and vegetables can be just as nutritious as their fresh counterparts. While fresh produce is ideal, don’t overlook the benefits of these alternative forms. Be sure to check for low sodium and sugar levels when choosing canned or packaged options.

All fat is bad

Healthy fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can help reduce the risk of heart disease and support important bodily functions.

‘Calories in, calories out’ is the most important factor for long-term weight gain

The types of foods we eat are more important long-term drivers of weight gain than calorie counting.

People with Type 2 diabetes shouldn’t eat fruit

Whole fruits can help control blood sugar and provide essential nutrients.

Plant milk is healthier than dairy milk

Plant-based milks can have more added ingredients and less protein than cow’s milk.

White potatoes are bad for you

Potatoes are rich in essential nutrients and can be beneficial for health. The skin, in particular, holds many of these nutrients, so consider leaving it on when preparing potatoes.

You should never feed peanut products to children within their first few years of life

Introducing peanut products early on can help prevent food allergies. Consult with a pediatrician for personalized recommendations on when and how to introduce peanuts to your child’s diet.

The protein in plants is incomplete

All plant-based foods contain all 20 amino acids, including all nine essential amino acids. A varied plant-based nutrition plan can provide the necessary protein and nutrients for optimal health.

Eating soy-based foods can increase the risk of breast cancer

Studies show no link between soy intake and breast cancer risk in humans.

Fundamental nutrition advice keeps changing — a lot

While specific nutrition recommendations may vary, the bottom-line dietary guidance remains consistent: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Focusing on a whole-food, plant-based nutrition plan with moderate portions can help support overall health and well-being.

Understanding the facts behind common fitness and nutrition myths can empower you to make better choices for your health. By focusing on a balanced nutrition plan, regular exercise, and staying informed about the latest research, you can confidently pursue a healthier lifestyle.

Remember, it’s essential to listen to your body and consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice. As you incorporate new habits and practices, be patient with yourself and enjoy the journey toward improved health and well-being.

In conclusion, debunking common fitness and nutrition myths can help you navigate the world of wellness with a more informed perspective. Stay curious, keep learning, and prioritize your well-being by making educated decisions based on facts rather than misconceptions.

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